Ed Tech
I have been working in the ed-tech field for over two decades, first as a lab assistant, and then a research assistance in charge of technical and instructional support for our learning management system, WebCT, starting in 1998. Though we have changed systems to D2L, I still provide both instructional and technical support, not just for University of South Dakota, but also for the South Dakota Board of Regents.
I also work in a number of other areas, including distance education. Here are some of my activities in this field.
- Mosterd, E., (2018), “Using Interactivity to Improve Online Music Pedagogy for Undergraduate Non-Majors,” in Pedagogy Development for Teaching Online Music, IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-5225-5109-6.ch006
- Mosterd, E. and D. Jerke (2017), “Creating an Online Presence for Hybrid Support,” in Hybrid Teaching and Learning: New Directions for Teaching and Learning, Vol. 149, Jossey-Bass (Wiley). https://doi.org/10.1002/tl.20231
- Tobin, T. J., & Behling, K. (2018). “Embrace One Mind-Set: Campuswide UDL.” In Reach Everyone, Teach Everyone: Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education. Morgantown: West Virginia University Press.
(references the CTL’s efforts to implement UDL at USD) - Jung, Udo OH. “An international bibliography of computer-assisted language learning: sixth installment.” System 33, no. 1 (2005): 135-185.
(references my undergraduate research in German literature and its use in distance learning) - Gombocz, I. (2001), “Mephistopheles Live. Teaching German Literature via Distance Learning,” Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German, 34.1.
(references my undergraduate research in German literature and its use in distance learning)
- Jackson, A., Mosterd, E. (2024). “Leveraging Digital Accessibility Tools.” D2L Fusion Annual Conference.
- Jackson, A., Mosterd, E. (2019). “Data- and Evidence-Based Online Course Quality Assurance.” EDUCAUSE Annual Conference.
- DeJager-Loftus, D., Burniston, D., Mosterd, E., (2014). “Copyright, Fair Use, and the TEACH Act!!! How does copyright apply to the courses I teach?”
- Mosterd, E. (2008). “USD & D2L: Successes and Challenges of Implementing a New LMS in Nine Months.” EDUCAUSE Annual Conference.
- Mosterd, E. (2005), “Incorporating PDAs into the Music Curriculum: Uses in Pedagogy, Practice, and Performance,” EDUCAUSE Regional Conference.